Bulk contact upload

If you simply wish to bulk upload contacts, and do not wish to make any other contact alterations, please submit a ticket with the required additional contacts in CSV format. There is a template attached to this page.

For making phone book edits or regular changes

 By default your extension will not be able to alter the phonebook. Please submit a ticket asking for an account for updating the 3cx phonebook. 

You will also need the following information in order to login and alter the phonebook. If you are missing any of the following info, please submit a ticket requesting it.

  • Username: (extension number)
  • Password: (on 3cx invite email)
  • 3cx web client link: (such as <clientname>.3cx.com.au:5001/webclient)

With the previous info ready, please follow the below short steps:

1. Access the 3cx webclient by clicking or copying the link.

2. Login with the correct extension number and password.

3. Access the contacts section of the webpage.

4. In the top-right, select the phonebook you wish to edit (company).

5. Use the tool buttons in the top left to add, import or delete contacts. You will also be able to edit contacts as they are populated.