1. Visit office.com and sign in with your account.

Your password should have been texted to you. If you don't have it, please submit a ticket here: https://tempus.freshdesk.com/support/home

If you are already signed into an account, select "Sign in with a different account", in the top right profile section, or select the correct account from the list.

In the picture below, the signed in account is megbowen78@outlook.com, if the email in this section is not the correct business email, you will need to swap to the correct account before attempting to access SharePoint.

2. Navigate to SharePoint online

If you were given a direct SharePoint link, you can click that or copy it into your browser.

If not, please follow the below steps to find the SharePoint libraries.

a) At the webpage office.com, select the 'App Launcher' in the top left. It is the grid icon which has been circled in the image below. This will open a list of apps you have access to.

b) Select SharePoint, you may need to select all apps, in order for this to show up.

c) If you have accessed SharePoint before, you will see a list of frequently accessed SharePoint sites, and can select the correct one from the list, as per below.

If the site or folder you are searching for does not appear, simply use the search function to find it or ask Tempus for the direct link via the ticket portal here: https://tempus.freshdesk.com/support/home

Troubleshooting for internal users (users with a company SharePoint account)

I clicked the SharePoint link, but it says I don't have permission to access!

Make sure you are signed into the correct Microsoft account.

Check the profiles in the top right at office.com, and confirm the correct account is signed in and selected.

If you definitely still cannot access, please log a ticket here:  https://tempus.freshdesk.com/support/home